IRS Publications

Pub # Publication Title
3 Armed Forces’ Tax Guide
15 Employer’s Tax Guide
17 Your Federal Income Tax
51 Agricultural Employer’s Tax Guide
54 Tax Guide for US Citizens & Resident Aliens
225 Farmer’s Tax Guide
334 Tax Guide for Small Businesses
463 Travel, Entertainment, Gift, & Car Exp.
501 Exemptions, Standard Deductions, Filing Info.
502 Medical and Dental Expenses
503 Child & Dependent Care Expenses
505 Tax Withholding & Estimated Tax
509 Tax Calendars
514 Foreign Tax Credit for Individuals
515 Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens & Foreign Entities
517 Social Security
519 US Tax Guide for Aliens
521 Moving Expenses
523 Selling Your Home
524 Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled
525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income
526 Charitable Contributions
527 Residential Rental Property
529 Miscellaneous Deductions
530 Tax Information for First Time Homeowners
531 Reporting Tip Income
535 Business Expenses
536 Net Operating Losses
537 Installment Sales
538 Accounting Periods and Methods
541 Partnerships
542 Corporations
544 Sales and other Dispositions of Assets
547 Casualties, Disasters, & Thefts
550 Investment Income & Expenses
554 Tax Guide for Seniors
555 Community Property
559 Survivors, Executors, and Administrators
560 Retirement Plans for Small Business
561 Determining the Value of Donated Property
570 Tax Guide for Individuals with Income from US Possessions
571 Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(b)Plan)
575 Pension & Annuity Income
583 Starting a Business and Keeping Records
584 Casualty, Disaster, Theft Workbook (Personal)
584b Casualty, Disaster, Theft Workbook (Business)
587 Business Use of Home
590A Contributions to Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)
590B Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs)
596 Earned Income Credit
907 Tax Highlights for Persons With Disabilities
908 Bankruptcy Tax Guide
915 SS & Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits
925 Passive Activity & At-Risk Rules
926 Household Employer’s Tax Guide
929 Tax Rules for Children & Dependents
936 Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
938 Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits
939 General Rule for Pensions and Annuities
946 How to Depreciate Property
947 Practice Before the IRS and Power of Attorney
969 Medical Savings Account
970 Tax Benefits for Education
971 Innocent Spouse Relief
972 Child Tax Credit
974 Premium Tax Credit
1212 List of OID Instruments
1345 Handbook for Authorized IRS e-file Providers
1542 Per Diem Rates
4681 Cancelled Debts, Foreclosures, & Repossessions
5187 Health Care Law: What’s New for Individuals & Families



IRS Instructions

Form/ScheduleInstruction Title
1040Resident Income Tax Return
1040 PRPuerto Rico
1040 AResident Income Tax Return – Short Form
1040 EZResident Income Tax Return – EZ Form
Schedule AItemized Deductions
Schedule BInterest & Ordinary Dividends
Schedule CProfit or Loss from Business
Schedule DCapital Gains and Losses
Schedule ESupplemental Income & Loss
Schedule FProfit or Loss from Farming
Schedule HHousehold Employment Tax
Schedule JIncome Averaging for Farmers & Fishermen
Schedule RCredit for the Elderly or Disabled
Schedule SESelf-Employment Tax
Schedule 8812Child Tax Credit
Tax TablesTax Tables
1040NRNonresident Alien Income Tax Return
1040XAmended US Individual Income Tax Return
1041US Income Tax Return for Estates & Trusts
1042-SForeign Person’s US Source Income
1065Partnership Income
1065 K-1Partner’s Share of Income (Schedule K-1)
1065 M-3Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for Certain Partnerships
1098Mortgage Interest Statement
1098 E & TStudent Loan Interest Statement / Tuition Statement
1099-A & CAbandonment of Property / Canceled Debt
1099 -H1099-H
1099-LTCLong Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits
1099-QPayments from Qualified Education Programs
1099-RDistributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement, etc.
1099-SProceeds from Real Estate Transactions
1099-SADistributions from HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare MSA
1116Foreign Tax Credit
1118Corporation – Foreign Tax Credit
1120 Schedule DCorporation – Capital Gains and Losses
1120SS Corporation
1120S K-1S Corporation – Shareholder’s Share of Income K-1
1120S M-3Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for S Corporations
1310Statement of Person Claiming Refund Due a Deceased Taxpayer
2106Employee Business Expense
2210Underpayment of Estimated Tax
2220Underpayment of Estimated Tax By Corporations
2290Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return
2441Child & Dependent Care Expenses
2555Foreign Earned Income
2555-EZForeign Earned Income
2848Power of Attorney
2848 (Spanish)Power of Attorney (Spanish)
3115Application for Change in Accounting Method
3468Investment Credit
3800General Business Credit
3903Moving Expenses
4136Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels
4137Social Security and Medicare Tax on Unreported Tip Income
4255Recapture of Investment Credit
4562Depreciation & Amortization
4626Alternative Minimum Tax – Corporations
4684Casualties & Thefts
4797Sale of Business Property
4835Farm Rental Income and Expenses
4972Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions
5329Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans
5405First Time Homebuyer Credit
5695Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit
6198At-Risk Limitations
6251Alternative Minimum Tax
Installment Sale IncomeFarm Rental Income and Expenses
706United States Estate Tax Return
709United States Gift Tax Return
8275Disclosure Statement
8283Noncash Charitable Contributions
8379Injured Spouse Allocation
8582Passive Activity Loss Limitations
8582-CRPassive Activity Credit Limitations
8606Nondeductible IRAs
8611Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit
8615Tax for Children Under Age 18
8824Like-Kind Exchanges
8828Recapture of Federal Mortgage Subsidy
8829Expenses for Business Use of Home
8834Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit
8839Qualified Adoption Expenses
8853Archer MSAs & Long-Term Care Insurance Contracts
8862Information to Claim Earned Income after Disallowance
8885Health Coverage Tax Credit
8889Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
8903Domestic Production Activities Deduction
8908Energy Efficient Home Credit
8909Energy Efficient Appliance Credit
8910Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit
8915Qualified Hurricane Retirement Plan Distributions and Repayments
8962Premium Tax Credit
8965Health Coverage Exemptions
990Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax
990 Schedule AReturn of Organization Exempt from Income Tax – Schedule A
T (Timber)Forest Activities Schedule
W-2GGambling Winnings
W-7Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number


Central Tax Services es tu aliado confiable en la preparación de impuestos, resolución de problemas con el IRS, y planificación financiera, brindando soluciones eficientes y personalizadas para asegurar tu tranquilidad fiscal.

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